Ethos and Values
At Burley Oaks we are all proud to ‘Belong, Believe, Achieve’.
There is no distinction between pupils and staff. Every child is of equal importance and unique in their own way.
We belong because...
- we support, value, care for and nurture everyone in our school community
- every child is of utmost importance in everything that they bring to the school
- we celebrate difference
- we are a team - we value everybody’s contribution and make sure everyone contributes
- we are responsible and take pride in our school, and our community
We believe because...
- we know that achievement is limitless and valued at every level
- we see other people having confidence in our abilities and being proud of our achievements
- our pupils, teachers, teaching assistants, parents and community have high expectations of each other
- school is committed to providing what we need on a daily basis and on a strategic, long term basis
- we care about each other and learn to develop high levels of emotional intelligence
- we grow our learning behaviours to: have courage, be curious, show commitment and dedication, perseverance and resilience, happiness, humility, respect, responsibility, patience and positivity.
We achieve because...
- we are active learners
- music, art and sport provide the foundation for and enhance our everyday existence which sustains a vibrant culture of purpose, success, teamwork and positivity
- we empower our team to participate readily in a rapidly changing world through a progressive computing/IT curriculum
- we care and prioritise meaningful collaboration to make a difference for each child
- we accept nothing less than our best from everyone - our standards are high
- we strive on challenges and learn to learn with resilience
- we recognise and nurture talent, interest and passion
- we learn together across the school so that children from different year groups respond and connect at different levels
- we enjoy our school days and look forward to new learning
- our curriculum is exciting and connects with the community, local and global picture
- we celebrate learning and achievement through project-work e.g. ‘What’s the Buzz?’ and themed creative curriculum activities
- we continually reflect on our learning journeys and achievements to improve our school experience
‘Belong, Believe, Achieve’ drives all that we do.
We are committed to developing children who are ready for all that life provides and challenges us with to ensure that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities. Teaching the importance of keeping safe, British Values, mental health and wellbeing and a vast curriculum offer support children to feel happy, fit and healthy, prepared for their next stage of education and keen to explore their talents further.