Remote Learning

To support a continued, coherent learning offer in case of extended school closures learning would be offered as described below. 

Accessing the materials

Key Stage 2
Children in Years 3-6 will use the Google Classroom. A guide can be found here and your child should be equipped with their log in details.  All the learning materials are provided here on an interactive system. Your child is expected to log in after the initial morning zoom and to upload their work. There is a facility for them to ask questions and to collaborate within the platform.

Reception and Key Stage 1
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will access the videos, documents and learning materials via shared online documents in Teams. Each folder is specifically labelled per year group with a folder allocated to each day’s content.

All work should be completed by the end of the school day. If your child has struggled to do this for any reason, please do not worry and contact the class teacher for support. We will aim to provide a manageable and achievable workload but appreciate your feedback. Each family’s circumstances are different and challenging in their own way and we understand this.

Teachers will use a variety of methods to gather information about how well a child’s learning has progressed. Not all work will be ‘marked’ with a pen but will be read and digested to inform the next learning steps. Specific feedback, either verbal or written, will be provided on an individual or small group basis at least once per week. 

Should you have any technical difficulties, please contact either the class teacher or Mr Sells (IT leader) on