
Making an excellent start...

Children develop quickly in the early years and their experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. 

Every child is unique. We make it our priority for each and every child joining our school to feel welcome, to settle confidently, to make the best possible start and to thrive as part of our school team. We aim to foster a sense of enquiry and a real thirst for learning new skills and knowledge. Together we belong, believe, achieve! 

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum?

The EYFS curriculum relates to learning, development and welfare of children from birth to the end of Reception year as per the legal requirements set out in the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Therefore, it refers only to the children in the Reception class at Burley Oaks Primary School.

Within the Foundation Stage children work toward 'Early Learning Goals'. The majority of pupils will achieve these goals, some will make further progress and some will need to work toward these goals in year 1. 

PDF icon Our intent and vision statement for learning can be found here. 

PDF iconAn overview of the learning themes/topics across the year 

PDF icon How to help your child in their developing reading journey 

PDF icon Phonics Information

To see how we enrich and enhance the curriculum to make learning exciting, experiential and most of all, memorable, please click here.  here.