
Wellbeing Wednesdays

Wellbeing Wednesdays allow children to have focused time each week to talk about different aspects of mental health and Wellbeing. All classes have the same focus and these can range from reading a story about emotions or friendships, circle time, yoga, mindfulness, breathing techniques, being active, the Zones of Regulation (see below), sharing a joke or funny story, the 5 ways to wellbeing, celebrating strengths and differences and much, much more!

Wellbeing Ambassadors

In school, we have 13 Wellbeing Ambassadors who meet regularly to discuss what they can put into place to improve the wellbeing and general happiness of others in the school environment. The ambassadors have badges and caps to help them be easily identified by the children. All ambassadors are fully trained for this role and have an understanding of mental health and how we can support pupils both during difficult times and preventative measures
Wellbeing Ambassador tasks include raising awareness of good mental health, delivering assemblies, sharing strategies in classes, organising whole school events such as Reverse Santa and our intergenerational community projects, all of which aim support the wellbeing of the wider community.



5 Ways to Wellbeing

On the available evidence to date, the 5 Ways to Wellbeing report by the New Economics Foundation identifies five key actions around the themes of social relationships, physical activity, awareness, learning, and giving. In general, the evidence base around the influencers of well-being is growing. Having strong social relationships, being physically active and being involved in learning are all important influencers of both well-being and ill-being. By contrast, the processes of giving and becoming more aware have been shown to specifically influence well-being in a positive way. A combination of all of these behaviours will help to enhance individual well-being and may have the potential to reduce the total number of people who develop mental health disorders in the longer term.

Pupils are educated about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and each strand is taught explicitly in at multiple points during the school year in assemblies, circle time, PHSE lessons and Wellbeing Wednesday sessions.

